Daughters don’t think of themselves as leaders – or parenting as leadership.
But the burden of a baby calls daughters to lead before well before they’re ready.
To lead is to take responsibility for a matter – and what matters more than a young life.
Leading is not just for elders, or for men with power – there is, in fact, nobody who holds more power than a young mum – because she carries the future.
So rise-up young mama – the future is in your hands and it’s time to lead.
Come alive Rangatira. Replace your feelings of brokenness for visions of beauty, where your sons have hope and your daughters prosper.
You have chosen to be a parent – now you must do what every parent must do: For every mum must change nappies and do other things mundane – but they must also set the rules and have clear boundaries that train.
Most of all – they must believe in a brighter future.
For that’s what every child needs – a mother who believes in them, no matter what – and homes where boundaries are certain and hold a bright hope.
So rise-up young mother – it’s time to lead.
You may not consider yourself a leader or think of parenting as leadership – but your words young mama, what you speak over your Pēpe, speak life – or death.
The boundaries you set – will determine the character of your boys and the inner beauty of your girls.
The future really is in your hands – and it can be bright indeed.
For not every two-year-old will be terrible or every teen rebel – these matters are very much determined by how you choose to lead.
So come alive hapu mama, rise-up and lead, for the future is yours and you are Rangatira.