science based parenting course

Parenting Resources – Backed by Science

One of our guiding principles in Hāpai Whanau is to love without an agenda.

This has allowed us to look past what we might want to teach in our classes and instead embrace what the very latest science says is best for our children.

The fantastic thing is, science places this type of unconditional love at the heart of all good parenting and is therefore at the centre of all our parenting resources.

Our parenting resources have been developed with Kōhuri Education Co. – which is Judy Hunter, a Child Mental Health + Well-Being Specialist ( ), and Wendy Wilson, an Early Childhood Educator/Facilitator + Parent Coach.

Between them they have over 50 years of hands-on experience working with young children and empowering parents and professionals alike to sort fact from fiction when it comes to what matters for our youngest citizens.

Together they research the latest science on child development and brain science and develop courses which enable every-day parents to weave this science with their own wisdom so that their family can flourish.

A big part of our content is based on the principles developed by Circle of Security International.
Other common resources referenced across our courses are:

  3. Books include; No Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. By Siegel  Daniel J. + Bryson, Tina P. The Emotional Life of the Toddler By Alicia Lieberman, The Whole Brain Child by Dan Seigel and Tina Bryson and No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury.

Wendy Wilson is on our staff and also sits on our board of directors. And in addition to being our programme manager, Wendy also inputs into our strategic direction and development.

If you have any questions about the content of our parenting resources, please reach out via our get in touch page.
