Good character is more valuable then a costly education

Many of us don’t have much, but we can feel the pressure of providing more for our children than we enjoyed ourselves.

It starts with the pressure for flash prams and toys and continues right through to grades, sports and education.

We can desire to provide it all.

But perhaps you were a bit like us, not having enough money to do any of it, it made the choices simple; buying second hand, being frugal, not doing Saturday sports because we couldn’t afford the drive or the sports clothes. 

The good news is great finances or education are not a factor of success or happiness.

Ask any employer or entrepreneur, they will always prefer staff with character and say that success is a result of resilience, grit and hard work.

Employers will seldom fire people for a lack of ability. While they will hire people for what they can do, people are predominantly fired around character stuff.

It’s a great relief. It means we don’t need to worry about providing our child with more prosperity then we enjoyed as a child or a better education. 

The science shows us that time is more important than toys, and if all we have to give is our time, then we are sorted!

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