This can vary location to location. majority of our programs are run during the school term, weekly during the school week.
No, you don’t need to be referred. We have an enquiry section of our website where you can self-refer.
Our home base is Te Puke, New Zealand. However we operate around the country and internationally.
Have a look around our site to find a course that you think suits you age and stage, then fill out the form at the bottom of that page.
Our Hāpai programmes are generally provided free of charge and pricing for our Love Parenting classes vary by location. Get in touch so we can confirm cost for you.
No. everyone and anyone is welcome to come along. We do provide kaupapa maori programs, but there is no requirement to be maori or speak the Maori language.
Class sizes vary, but generally there is no more then 12 families in each program.
Yes they are most welcome, we ask mamas to be sensitive what support people are invited out of respect to any breastfeeding mamas that are attending.
Sessions are typically 2 hours in length.
All our courses are designed to run within a NZ school term, making them typically no more then 10 weeks long.
No, not at this stage
All our facilitators are trained, approved and licenced by us. They may or may not have other formal qualifications. The main thing we look for in our facilitators, in addition to parenting experience, is their ability to create a warm environment and love without an agenda.
Yes attend the first session and if it’s not for you we will refund in full
Session including the latest science around caring for your baby. A warm comfortable venue, morning tea, experienced facilitators to go to for support or advice and a handout with key take home points covered.
Yes they are.
Yes they are.
Yes we have hot water or a microwave.
No we don’t have high chairs but again we recommend feeding in your arms.
Yes we have a treasure basket for the babies to explore.
No sick parents or babies are required to stay home.